Tuesday, July 19, 2005

My Wife Is Trying To Name A Muggle

Well the new Harry Potter book has hit the shelves and I was in need of a copy right away. I have been a fan of the boy wizard since the hype hit the fan with the Philosophers Stone. I play Harry Trivia and own the movies. I attended a boarding school and my imagination takes me there whenever I read about Hogwarts. I needed the book and I couldn't wait for the paperback.

I really wanted the adult version (I don't know why) and it was much harder to find. The Canadian publisher of the Harry Potter series says that there is an unprecedented demand for the adult version this time around and are having to reprint already. I went to 4 stores but finally found a copy. When I am done here with this post I will begin reading my new book. I only wish I had a kid to read it with.

The extra time that I spent looking for the adult version has cost me. My wife had the time to browse and found a new book for herself. You will remember in a previous post how she is on a search, a quest if you will, for the Holy Grail of baby names. Tonight the search continues with our new baby name book 'Beyond Jennifer and Jason, Madison and Montana. Rather than an alphabetical listing this book is broken down into lists of various types of names. Oh the joy!!!

Maybe I can learn a spell in my new book that can help find the perfect name.

Decidanaymum. Decidanaymum. Decidanaymum.


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